
No. 46- The Night Was Sultry...

Album:  The Night Was Sultry...

Band: The Manhattan Project

Year Released: 2001

I really got into this album...
Summer 2002

Favorite songs include...

Read Between The Lines

Why it’s so good...

There were a handful of local band albums that I considered for this list, but only one was significant enough in my musical development. I was 14 years old and was starting to play the guitar and talk to my friend Steve about playing music in a band. And one day we ventured over to Myke's house to purchase his band's CD.

It took me a while to get into this album, only because the first thing you ever notice is the poor quality of the recording itself. Apparently this album was produced by Lars Ulrich. But after a while, I started to give it more of a chance.
Once you know what to look for in this album- not quality of recording, but rather quality of songwriting- you find a gem. I really think Jeff Stock was one of the more interesting songwriters of the local music scene. He has a style all his own.

But there's a lot to appreciate on this album outside of the songwriting- the way the two guitars perfectly compliment each other, the melodic bass lines, the vocal harmonies, even a cameo of an Ocarina of Time melody.
Say what you will about this album, but it encouraged me greatly in my efforts to create my own band and write my own music. 
In most ways, this album- and band- were a lot like a big brother to me. So it holds a very special place in my heart- and on this list.


  1. How about that terrible artwork as well? Jeff certainly does have his own style -- one that was difficult and rewarding to keep up. Those songs meant a lot to me.

  2. That should say, "keep up with."

  3. I would totally have jeff's babies... oh wait...

    this was a delightful read.
