
No. 34- Trouble

Album: Trouble

Artist: Ray LaMontagne

Year Released: 2004

I really got into this album...
Fall 2008

Favorite songs include...
All The Wild Horses

Why it’s so good... 
The fall of 2008 would’ve been a really hard time to survive for me without Ray LaMontagne.  
Trouble re-taught me what it is to feel.

I’m a sucker for acoustic guitar-driven music, soulful singers, string quartets, and all live recordings. 
And this album possesses each of those.

Assuming you’ve heard the man and are already aware of how mind-blowing and heart-quenching his voice is, this collection of songs is so well written. You want to hear a love song that isn’t like every other one you’ve heard- this album is packed with them. 
It’s honest and real, to the point that I really feel like I’m becoming acquainted with Ray as I listen. And you can tell that he’s aware of each piece of the song and what it’s meant to communicate.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been able to make it through this album yet (although I can enjoy one song at a time). It bores me to death. I like God Willin' And The Creek Don't Rise better.
